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Orange Dahlia
Orange Dahlia




Doveflight [Dovekit, Dovepaw]


39 moons


Warrior [Kit, Apprentice, Warrior, Deputy]








|Physical health| 

Healthy, athletically inclined

|Emotional health state| 

Content, moderate happiness

|Mental health state| 

Stable, fine

|Lasting scars|

Multiple scratches all over, a larger gash along the centre of his underbelly from a fight that escalted during his apprenticeship.




|Romantic relationships|

None [Previously: Open || Future; Open]

|Platonic relations| 

Acquaintances/ Doesn't really know

Auroraflame;  Feels bad for. Admired her and is disappointed she was demoted


Marblesky ; Enjoys their company

Lightspirit; Doesn't know very well, finds intriguing


Tigerspirit; He's angry at Dove for replacing Auroraflame as deputy. 


None; Open



Snowleap; Loves very dearly, admires, is 100% a mummy's boy. Fears disappointing her. 


Biological; open


Biological brothers; Open

Sister: Breezefeather ; Loves, enjoys her company, very protective of

Sister: Cottonflight ; Very close to, admires, loves very dearly

Brother: Ashengaze; Not very close to, the relationship is strained. Wishes they were closer. 


None; Closed

Other (Cousins, aunts, etc)

Grandniece: Fazekit; Doesn't know they're related, has no opinion of

Nephew (Via Breezefeather): Bloomkit; Loves, cherishes dearly



|Positives| Neutrals| Negatives|

Intelligent, Playful, reliable| Persuasive, Honourable| Obstinate, Blunt, Grudge-bearing

Doveflight is an externally simplistic tom, who acts in a somewhat predictable manner. He is an obstinate and blunt feline, who is almost completely oblivious to the fact that his words, more specifically his opinions, carry with them meaning; he often finds himself apologising for unintentionally upsetting another cat. He is by no means purposely cruel, its just an unfortunate consequence of his very outspoken personality. He tries his best to make up for it with his impeccable reliability and trustworthiness - Doveflight, once loyal to someone, will do absolutely anything to ensure their safety and well-being. He holds his clanmates in high regards, even those he doesn't particularly like, because of his beliefs regarding the value of his clan; a cat's clan should be their top priority, and everything they do should be guided under the best of intentions for their clan. Doveflight works well under pressure. So well you could argue he works better when something important is on the line. He is intelligent and better suited for tactically challenging tasks/scenarios rather than physical fighting, but that's not to say he has a preference for either one. Doveflight views fighting as honourable, and is a firm believer in an "eye for an eye". Holding grudges is an unfortunate habit of his, and this is evident when it comes to how he views the other 4 clans based on previous incidents concerning Skyclan. It doesn't matter how long ago the incident, he holds onto it and takes it into account when referencing more recent events. He's not foolishly loyal though and realises that there is a noticeable line between fighting for honour and fighting for stupidity. When Doveflight relaxes, he's a playful and humorous tom who enjoys the freedom being silly brings with it. He would argue a cat is not truly living if they don't find the time for play, unbothered by the fact it makes him sound minorly kittenish. He enjoys relaxing and ensures he gets enough of it to prevent stress from accumulating, as he knows the importance of one's mental health. Doveflight is, generally speaking, quite a likeable cat who upholds the beliefs of clan-life being built on equity for all; he respects his clanmates as equally as he possibly can, ignoring all bias besides character-based ones (he can't respect rude cats the same way he respects amiable cats).


Turkish Angora


Intelligent| Level-headed| Observant| Tactiful| Practical| Persuasive


Blunt| Obstinate| Argumentative| Insensitive sometimes| Loses temper when really provoked 


Collecting things (seashells, twoleg trinkets, acorns/pinecones etc)| Petrichor| Flowers, especially magnolias| Snow| 


Really hot or bright weather| Spiders| Dull situations| Cats who exaggerate, and/or create their own problems for the sake of attention|


~ Arachnophobia; Fear of Spiders

~Pyrophobia; Fear of fire

|Miscellaneous facts|

~First pansexual kitty of mine! ^^

~He was selected to be Skyclan's temporary deputy during the site-wide plot! [22 October, 2018]

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